The Federal Reserve Board of Governors was developed to provide the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system. Run by seven members known as “Governors,” the Board of Governors guides the operation of the Federal Reserve System to promote the goals and fulfill the responsibilities outlined by the Federal Reserve Act.
As the world evolves, the role of banking and our economy expands. Telophase is determined to create technological solutions that keep pace with our savvy financial world.
Our Services Provide Real Solutions
From maintaining the stability of the financial system, to long-term interest rates, Telophase provides services that support the total operations of economists. Here is a snapshot of those solutions:
The Fed was faced with technology that muddied data and slowed business insights. Economists that rely on the system output needed an optimized data warehouse solution that collected and streamed structured and unstructured data to high-performance appliances. Our developers delivered just that for their analytics platforms. Before loading, all data is corrected, standardized, and deduplicated to ensure optimal results. This work has greatly reduced manual processes for reconciling data and economists now have everything they need at their fingertips.
The Fed desired new application approaches and methodologies that would provide users effective, time saving, and convenient functions for their daily activities. Telophase was able to deliver on that goal by creating new application data reports that allow economists to map and cross-reference regional and institutional economic data. With specific details easily available, economists are able identify potential issues and counteract them efficiently.