Our Technology Defies Gravity
The greatest mysteries in our universe are waiting to be discovered in the farthest reaches of space. At Telophase we work with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) on multiple contracts to create technology that supports NASA’s vision in reaching new heights and revealing the unknown for the benefit of humankind. To meet NASA’s goals, we bring our specialization in satellite design, space science, scientific software development, and test and integration services to NASA missions.

Core Service Areas:
- Science Mission Software Development
- Design and Fabrication of Space Systems
- Operations, Maintenance, and Calibration of Scientific Test Equipment
- Test Facility Architecture
- Integrated Test Engineering (Thermal Vacuum, Acoustic, Vibration)
How We Do It
- Science Software Development – Telophase supports one of the largest collections of Earth Science data in the world. Our developers work on the Agile Giovanni portal, employing JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java, to enable fast access to Earth Science data hosted by the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center data center. Through nimble development across web application layers, both on the server and client side technologies, we provide data visualizations of vast amounts of Earth Science data from multiple NASA missions. Our team also creates tools for science algorithm input and output. With Java, FORTRAN, C, Perl, Make, XML, Linux, CVS/GIT, HDF4 and HDF5 and netCDF file formats, scientists can process HDF/netCDF data.
- Design and Fabrication of Space Systems – Telophase supports the operation, maintenance, and upgrade of environmental test equipment and facilities. Specifically, the mechanical and optical integration of spacecraft, flight experiment components, instruments, sub-assemblies and systems for missions.
- Operations, Maintenance, and Calibration Test Equipment – To maintain mission integrity, Telophase provides services for facility operations and maintenance. Including, but not limited to, cleanrooms, magnetic test sites, and other technical locations. With quality assurance at the forefront of our work, we specialize in calibration of equipment and hand tools used for integrating and testing space flight hardware and exospheric testing.
- Test Facilities Architecture – Telophase consults on satellite/payload test facilities including mechanical integration of satellites and payloads, optical alignment and measurements, clean room operations, EMI/EMC testing, and RF power calibration.
- Integrated Test Engineering – Telophase participates in the integration and testing of the satellite/payload build. Primary tests include: thermal/vacuum, acoustics, and vibration.
We Make a Difference
Telophase performs extremely complex tests for NASA measuring different levels of exospheric testing, including low-level and deep space testing. Low-level testing requires Liquid Nitrogen temperatures of -180 C (-292 F), while deep space testing is around Helium temperatures as close to Absolute Zero (0 Kelvin or -459.67 F) as possible. Recently, we performed a round of testing for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) which is set to launch in October 2018.
Click here to learn more about our relationship with NASA GSFC.